Muzayyin Arifin

Muzayyin Arifin

Flutter Developer in Serang, Banten

Hi everyone!

2 years ago


I am an enthusiastic developer. I love to build mobile apps, and Flutter makes it even easier. I love to work with UI and animation and have fun with it. I try to learn and improve myself every day to do what I like the most.

Work Experience

2018 — Now
Kota Cilegon, Banten

Responsibilities :

  • Reading blueprints and specifications.
  • Monitoring operations to ensure that they meet production standards.
  • Recommending adjustments to the assembly or production process.
  • Inspecting, testing, or measuring materials or products being produced.
  • Measuring products with roll meters, steel bars, rulers, calipers, taper gauges, micrometers, colorimeters, surface roughness tester.
  • Accepting or rejecting finished items.
  • Removing all products and materials that fail to meet specifications.
  • Reporting inspection and testing data such as surfaces, dimensions, weights, temperatures, grades, cleanliness, moisture content, and quantities inspected
2017 — 2018
Kota Cilegon, Banten


  • Attending workshops,
  • Participating in as many learning opportunities as possible.
  • Assisting within the relevant department, but also learning about other aspects of the company.
  • Observing health and safety procedures.
  • Completing all tests, presentations, and other required evaluations.


2019 — Now
Kota Serang, Banten

IPK: 3.63 out of 4.0

2013 — 2016
Kota Serang, Banten
  • Chairman of Green School MAN 1 Kota Serang
  • Broadcaster & Technician of Community Radio 107.8 sQs FM



This Android application was developed using the Flutter framework and contains information on KKM activities located in Sukatani Village.



Desa merupakan ujung terdepan wilayah yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat. Desa yang maju memberi dampak yang positif bagi perkembangan masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah yang pada akhirnya memberi kontribusi pada pembangunan nasional. Membangun desa merupakan bagian dari mengembangkan potensi Desa itu sendiri serta dapat meningkatkan berbagai aspek kehidupan. Berbagai kementerian berperan serta untuk mengembangkan desa melalui berbagai program. Namun, sepertinya itu semua masih dalam proses menuju masyarakat yang sejahtera.

Perkembangan desa merupakan suatu keadaan tertentu yang dicapai oleh penduduknya dalam menyelenggarakan kehidupan dan mengelola sumber daya yang ada. Tingkat perkembangan desa dinilai berdasarkan tiga faktor, yaitu faktor ekonomi, faktor sosio kultural dan faktor prasarana. Faktor ekonomi meliputi mata pencaharian penduduk dan produksi desa.

Potensi desa dalam pengembangan masyarakat merupakan upaya mengembangkan sebuah kondisi masyarakat secara berkelanjutan dan aktif berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip keadilan sosial dan saling menghargai. Para pekerja kemasyarakatan berupaya memfasilitasi warga dalam proses terciptanya keadilan sosial dan saling menghargai melalui program-program pembangunan secara luas yang menghubungkan seluruh komponen masyarakat.


Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Wanabatik Pratama Lebak in Sukatani Village, Wanasalam District, Lebak Regency, is a force to support the area in the village. It considers Batik to be the cultural heritage of the nobility of the Indonesian state, and there is a commitment to preserving the nation's culture. As a result, it is an excellent opportunity to develop MSME Wanabatik Pratama Lebak.

Counselling and lectures are the methods used in this service activity. The extension method involves sharing and discussing management information and knowledge. Finally, the evaluation carries out by documenting and observing the implementation of the knowledge conveyed in the commercial activities of Batik artisans.

The outcomes of this service activity are in desperate need by managers. At the same time, they provide a positive response to the entrepreneurship programme by emphasizing development services related to the field of entrepreneurship. In addition to bolstering the foundations of entrepreneurialism, this activity also helps business groups improve their operations' administrative management. Commercial and marketing collaboration has begun, as has networked with other parties. This collaboration strengthens the position that leads to community empowerment. The assessment of accounting practises and concepts, as well as organisational management, is quite good.

